Welcome to the Hungarian-Ottoman Wars!

Somoskő and Salgó castles

In this blog, I would like to share with you an exciting but little-known or understood period. It was a real-life Game of Thrones, with all of Europe itself as the ultimate prize. Its events had many far-reaching consequences that still affect our lives today in many surprising ways.

To fill the gap in English-speaking social media, I started my Facebook page “Hungaries 1632” in 2016.

The term ” Hungaries ” was created to describe the Hungarian-Ottoman wars on the lands of the Kingdom of Hungary, Transylvania, and the Ottoman-occupied lands. Now the page is called “Hungarian History 1366-1699” for better understanding.

Hungarian History 1366-1699 logo

My goal is to tell the properly researched story of how the Hungarians and many soldiers from Europe fought against the might of the Ottoman Empire from 1368 to 1699.

Who were the warriors of the Valiant Order, the last knights of Europe? I want to recount their battles along the 1,000-mile military Borderland that separated the Christian and Muslim worlds for so many generations. At the same time, I would like to describe all their castles and strongholds.

I hope that I do justice in telling these stories so that we can properly honor our ancestors.

Here is my Facebook page Hungarian History 1366-1699 (formerly it was called “Hungaries 1632”):


We have the largest Facebook Group “Hungarian-Ottoman Wars 1366-1791” where this topic is being discussed on social media, come and join us:


In our second Facebook group called “Hungarian History Without Borders,” you can discuss all aspects of Hungarian history, not just during the period of the Ottoman wars:


Enjoy our history for it is your history.

Please, share these stories in the English-speaking world to make Hungarian history more popular and known.

Wishing you my best intentions at all times:

Szántai Gábor

Please note that I deliberately use the Oriental name order for Hungarians, where the surname comes first.

You can follow my work on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hungarianottomanwars


Please, visit my shop to find items connected to Hungarian history:


COA of Transylvania

Dear Readers, I can only make this content available through small donations or by selling my books or T-shirts.

If you like my writings, please  feel free to support me with a coffee here:

You can check out my books on Amazon, they are available in hardcover, paperback, or ebook:


“33 Castles, Battles, Legends” (Paperback)
“The Ring of Kékkő Castle” (Paperback)

My work has recently (March 2022) been endorsed by the  National Fund of Hungary (Nemzeti Kulturális Alap Igazgatósága)  http://www.nka.hu