Military regulations
I intend to share a few military regulations from the period of Ottoman wars.
The regulation issued by Prince Bocskai István of Transylvania (before 1606)
The “jus militare Hungaricum”, based on Lazarus Schwendi’s regulations, was followed by several other regulations in the 17th century, but none of them regulated the discipline and duties of the Hungarian military in such detail and in such a general way as Schwendi’s regulations, which were based on the German model.

Only Bocskai István’s “Statuta et leges militares”, published in April 1606, can be compared in character with the “military law code” of the Hungarian cavalry and infantry. Bocskai not only regulated the number of cavalry troops and pledged his soldiers to loyalty, but also specified the most common offenses and misdemeanors and their punishment in eleven points. His regulations were already generally valid and were the first of their kind, specifically among the Hungarian military regulations. It not only regulates the number of troops, the right to appoint officers, and the discipline of the army, but also the relationship of soldiers with the civilian population.

Regarding the number of troops, he orders that “…the regulations of the cavalry army shall be that the captain on horseback shall have not more than five hundred horses and that the captain shall not keep a lieutenant of superior rank who has less than one hundred horsemen. Both the captain and the lieutenants under him shall have their numbers and names written in order.”
For the sake of good relations with the population, he commands, “No one shall take the serfs’ horses, oxen, or any movable or immovable property, whatever they may be, and if anyone steals them, he shall return the property to the captain and be severely punished for such an act: if the captain does not do so, he shall forfeit his office, and if he has sold the property, he shall compensate the poor man.”

In the regulation of Bocskai István, we can see a great severity and the requirement of iron discipline. Punishable by death were all those who arbitrarily abandoned their flags, that is, those who “deserted their troops .” The same fate awaited those who raised themselves to the rank of lieutenant and captain – presumably a rejection of the ancient Hungarian custom among the hajdus, namely that the military community (as a military democracy) raised and appointed its officers themselves. Here, the military leadership of the prince went against this custom, and only those who they appointed and placed at the head of the troops could be lieutenants or captains.
It was also a capital offense to plunder and pillage food supplies (the war food) and to disturb the postal service. He specifically stressed “Those who break virgins by force, rape women, will pay them with their heads.”

The military regulations also paid close attention to the religious life of “Bocskai’s angels”, and the mostly Roman Catholic – i.e. belonging to the Protestant denomination of Calvin – an army of the Hajdús had a regulated sermon order. For “God may grant us good fortune in our armies, and that the captains may always strive to increase the glory of God among them day by day, preaching shall be preached in every army, and the captains shall forbid foul language and cursing among the soldiers, and if any man sin or act against the prohibition, the captain shall punish him and give him a good example”.

The Regulation of Esterházy Pál in 1672
On the 4th of October in 1672 a military decree was issued by Esterházy Pál, the chief captain of the mining district of the Kingdom of Hungary.

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