Csesznek castle is in Hungary, more exactly it is in the Trans-Danubian Region. It was built around 1263 by the Comes of Trencsén, Jakab of the Bána family. He used to be the sword-bearer of King Béla IV and the ancestor of the Cseszneki family.
Enjoy the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsOmYO9vt6U
The castle was sold to the Csák family in the 14th century and went to King Károly Róbert in 1326 and remained royal property until 1392 when King Zsigmond of Luxembourg traded it with the Garai family. The Garai family had made major construction on the castle. King Matthias Corvinus gave the castle of Csesznek to his treasurer, Szapolyai István in 1483.

Csesznek was taken during the Dual Kingship by King Ferdinand I in 1527. The king gave it to Bakics Pál who owned it until his death, in 1537. Lord Török Bálint had it for a short time then the castle went to the chief captain of Eger, Csaby István in 1540. (Please, note that I use the Eastern name order for Hungarians where family names come first.) The Csabay-Wathay families owned it later on. It was when the Ottomans were attacking the Trans-Danubian lands in the mid-16th century.

Then, the captain of Csesznek was Wathay Lőrinc who died in 1573 in a tragic accident: he was a bit drunk and tried to fire a cannon loaded with old gunpowder. The artilleryman didn’t want to allow it but the captain grabbed the torch from his hand and ignited the cannon which exploded, killing both of them.
The Ottoman Turks took the castle in 1594 but it was retaken four years later. Csesznek was given to the Count Cseszneky family who opened its gates before the army of Prince Bocskai István in 1605. The castle was taken by force in 1619 by the generals of Prince Bethlen Gábor, George Haller, and Fekete Péter. You can read more about Prince Bocskai here:

According to the Treaty of Nikolsburg in 1622, the castle returned to the Habsburgs again. The castle went to the Esterházy family by trade in 1635. The kuruc rebels of Prince Rákóczi Ferenc took it in 1705 but it was retaken by the Habsburgs in 1709. It was in ruins in 1828…

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