Hidden treasure found at Likava Castle

A hidden treasure of silver coins and two gold coins were unearthed by boars near the Castle of Likava last year.
Likava (Likavka) is located in the Upper lands/Horná Zem/Felvidék, now it is in Slovakia.
Here you can learn more about Likava Castle on my page:
The treasure was discovered by a young couple who were hiking there. They honestly informed the authorities at once and had been waiting for three hours on the spot to guard the finding. Thus, the Slovakian archeologists were lucky to see it untouched.
In Slovakia, honest finders receive cash worth 100% of the market price of the treasure they have found. Unlike in Hungary, where everything that had been made before 1712 belongs to the State if somebody finds it in the soil.
The coin itself says “Ladislaus Rex” while the denar is dated 1521 and reads Ludovicus so it is from the reign of King Lajos II. One of the gold coins reads Ladislaus Rex and is from the reign of Lajos II’s father. The other gold coin is from the reign of Lajos II. The treasure must have been hidden after the Battle of Mohács in 1526 when everybody was panicking.
The archeologists found the pieces of a jar and fragments of woven material, too. All in all, there were 1,600 Hungarian silver denars and two gold coins. After cleaning, they will be on display in the Museum of Liptó.
(Source: Múltkor magazine, pictures: the history blog, Blogspot)
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