Renaissance Tiles from Hungary
Ceramics from the 15-17th centuries of the “Hungaries” ( after 1541 these parts were Royal Hungary, Transylvania, and the Ottoman Occupied Lands)
We can get a very special look inside the life of the people through the stoves and ceramics. Please, enjoy the pictures:
First pic: Prophet Abraham from Salgó Castle;
2nd: Hungarian ornaments from Transylvanian tiles;
3rd: a tile from the Anjou age with a coat of arms on it;
4th: a tile-stove from Csobánc Castle;
Read more about Csobánc castle here:
5th: tile with a stag and a star from Transylvania;
6th: a Gothic style stove-tile;
7th: a stove from Gyula Castle;
More about Gyula Castle:
8th: a tile with King Matthias Corvinus on it;
9th: a tile from the age of King Matthias Corvinus;
10th: a drawing of a stove from Szentkirály, 15th century;
11th: a stove from Kalotaszeg, Transylvania (a quite modern one);
12th: modern reconstruction of a 17th-century tiled-stove from Barakony.
This late Gothic (ca 1500) ceramic stove tile was produced in Besztercebánya (Banská Bystrica). This scene may be an illustration of a joke about Xanthippe and Socrates:
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