Sources and recommended readings
I would like to tell you that I owe lots of thanks to the following pages and people. I am just translating their precious work into English, all the praise should go to them.
I read lots of useful historical information on the page:
Nevertheless, I had to delete all the pictures that I had borrowed from them. I hope there can be cooperation between us in the future. For the time being, I’ll have to make do with pictures from Wiki Commons.
On the other hand, I have received friendly help from other people who hurried to give me their photos that I can share with you. I may have lost a possible supporter but I’ve gained lots of friends.
Also, I could do nothing without the well-organized and prompt information coming from the FB page of Szibler Gábor and Szerecz Miklós:
I would like to express my gratitude to Suzanna Lahner King: her editing work was crucial to my writings.
Beautiful pictures and valuable resources were found in the Hungarian FB groups where I am a member:
Műemlékek fóruma:
Várjáró magazin:
Amatőr Várkutatók fóruma:
Várak, kastélyok, templomok magyar földön:
I owe special thanks to the Hagyomány és Múltidéző – a történelmi tudástár:
I am also thankful for having taken many pictures from the database of the Arcanum:
The nicest pictures were borrowed from the Civertan Studio:
I would like to thank the fantastic pictures taken by Sz. Podmaniczky Katalin. She is an expert in making the best pictures of re-enactors. Here, I would like to thank the Hungarian reenactors who either took photos or gave their appearance to the pictures.
The work of Somogyi Győző is very much appreciated; here are his books available on the Amazon:
There are other pages and people I will add soon…
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