Modern Ottoman propaganda
It is worth taking a look around and finding out how the nations involved in Ottoman wars are interpreting their history in their present-day propaganda.
Let us begin with Turkish films. I must remark here that I am utterly envious that they are managing this question so effectively and powerfully. The trailer of their movie is just great, the music is superb, the actress is gorgeous and fierce, the Turk hero is valiant and gallant.
Not as if I agreed with them in a single thing. The Ottomans had brought death, destruction, and misery to the Balkan and to Hungary. It is a sin to portray them like good guys. I wish we could make similar movies here, in Hungary. Except, that we should be telling the truth.
Here you can read about how the pro-Ottomans think about this question, according to Professor Fodor Pál:
As for popular history, the Turks are doing a very good job. I am not talking about the Suleiman-series which are fervently followed even by half of the Hungarian population which is a perverted and schizoid thing in itself.
Now, it was my Croatian friend Zed Zidar who called my attention to this film:
He added Serbian thoughts on the movie that he had read here:
Summarizing it in English:
Historian and academic Ljubodrag Dimic explains to Sputnik that, for half a century, Turkish historiography has been trying to impose a new image on Turkish conquerors in the Balkans. They are assisted in this by the Institute for the Study of Turkish History in Istanbul.
“What is characteristic of the Institute and the whole of this action is that it has enormous resources. These funds are used to open departments for Turkish history in the world and educate young people through scholarships. Also, historians from all over the world are brought to Istanbul, where they become obliged in some way to accept the political rather than scientific views of their host financiers, ” says Dimic.
According to him, the Turks are spending tens of millions of dollars a year to open departments of Turkish history (in Europe), which are not operated by Turks but by professors from the West, who are required, in return for the funding, to project a beautiful picture of the history of the Turkish Empire.
Having watched the trailer, people wonder how the villagers looked so relieved that the Turks came to liberate them. They would have happily given away all their kids for that freedom. And the Serb women were hot for the invading Turks that slaughtered their men and kin – they were almost licking their lips.

The 500th anniversary of the Battle of Mohács is coming.
I am looking forward to a grand-scale Hungarian super film production with the best actors, financed by Hungarian institutions and billionaires who feel dedicated.
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