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My goal is to tell the properly researched story of how the Hungarians and many soldiers from Europe fought against the might of the Ottoman Empire from 1368 to 1699. It is hard to find information about this period in English, so come and join my work.

I have been sharing posts on my FB page “Hungarian History 1366-1699” since 2016. However, FB started to limit my shares and my posts could not be placed in many FB groups I am a member of. I had to create a searchable and secure place to store my posts.
In 2019, I launched this self-hosted page, where I publish selected passages about the history of this period, including the descriptions of hundreds of castles in the region. I am constantly updating this page with new content that I would like to make available to subscribers.
I want you to be updated and receive all my latest posts as there are not many places on the internet where you can easily find such information in English. I will describe hundreds of Hungarian castles and tell you about hundreds of historical events, God willing.
I was glad to find Patreon, where I do not have to pay for mailing lists. In addition, Patreon allows me to find patrons who would support my work in exchange for my writings.
Please, subscribe and find others who would like to join and support the dissemination of Hungarian history in this way:
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Dear Readers, I can only make this content available through small donations or by selling my books or T-shirts.
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Thank you very much!